1 Januari 2011, the first day in new year 2011. I want to try give an awards to some people or something happen for me in last year. It's like Oscar Awards or Panasonic Awards there will be 5 the bests from each categories. This is relative, subjective because it depends from my opinion but it's objective too because I know what I must give them for. Okay, this is Malvin Awards 2010!
Best Subjects :
1. Media Relations
2. Techniques of Professional Presenter
3. Cultural Anthropology
4. Public Relations and Publicity
5. Media and Entertainment
Best Lecturer:
1. Nadia Ardiwinata, MM
2. Aleen One, M.Si
3. Boy Ferdin, SE
4. Indriati Yulistiani, M.Si
5. Ilham Prisgunanto, M.Si
Best Friends LSPR Female:
1. Chicca Crystalia
2. Trivera Caroline
3. Jolita Lias
4. Indah Wijaya
5. Stella Margaretha
Best Friends LSPR Male:
1. Jefrry Triadi Putra
2. Asa Fide Putra
3. Samuel
4. Ade Fuzia Rachman
5. Pradipta Laksana + David Yohanlis
Best Brothers and Sisters:
1. Athalia Rebecca
2 Jerry Wong
3. Yenti Lim
5. Adolf and Henry
Best Male Friends:
1. Arden Utomo
2. Yandhika Otues Ghozal
3. William Lianto
4. Wiyanto Sanjaya
5. Stacey Praditya
Best Female Friends:
1. Fifi Hermanto
2. Neva Anabel
3. Suwanita Sukardi
4. Fransisca Masli
5. Mirah Tjandra and Chiputri Handayani
Always Special in 2010:
1. Fifi Hermanto
2. Neva Anabel
3. Bonita Isabella
4. Ellen Budianto
5. Karen Utomo
Best Films:
1. Tron Legacy
2. Salt
3. Eat Pray Love
4. Step Up 3D
5. RED
Best Songs:
1. Tears Were Laughter
2. Kiss The Rain
3. You Belong to Me
4. This Time to Africa (Waka-Waka)
5. Yi Shi De Mei Hao
Best Quotations:
1. "I'm just a Consultant"
2. "Instead I had not regretted because I have loved you deeply"
3. "There will be times you don't see me beside you. Don't ever think that I leave you. I just choose walk behind you.. So I can catch you, if you fall"
4. "Lie to ourselves for common good, who can blame me?"
5. "Cause love will find the way"
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