Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Moutiz Awards 2010

1 Januari 2011, the first day in new year 2011. I want to try give an awards to some people or something happen for me in last year. It's like Oscar Awards or Panasonic Awards there will be 5 the bests from each categories. This is relative, subjective because it depends from my opinion but it's objective too because I know what I must give them for. Okay, this is Malvin Awards 2010!

Best Subjects :
1. Media Relations
2. Techniques of Professional Presenter
3. Cultural Anthropology
4. Public Relations and Publicity
5. Media and Entertainment

Best Lecturer:
1. Nadia Ardiwinata, MM
2. Aleen One, M.Si 
3. Boy Ferdin, SE
4. Indriati Yulistiani, M.Si
5. Ilham Prisgunanto, M.Si

Best Friends LSPR Female:
1. Chicca Crystalia
2. Trivera Caroline
3. Jolita Lias
4. Indah Wijaya
5. Stella Margaretha

Best Friends LSPR Male:
1. Jefrry Triadi Putra
2. Asa Fide Putra
3. Samuel
4. Ade Fuzia Rachman
5. Pradipta Laksana + David Yohanlis

Best Brothers and Sisters:
1. Athalia Rebecca
2 Jerry Wong
3. Yenti Lim
5. Adolf and Henry

Best Male Friends:
1. Arden Utomo
2. Yandhika Otues Ghozal
3. William Lianto
4. Wiyanto Sanjaya
5. Stacey Praditya

Best Female Friends:
1. Fifi Hermanto
2. Neva Anabel
3. Suwanita Sukardi
4. Fransisca Masli
5. Mirah Tjandra and Chiputri Handayani

Always Special in 2010:
1. Fifi Hermanto
2. Neva Anabel
3. Bonita Isabella
4. Ellen Budianto
5. Karen Utomo

Best Films:
1. Tron Legacy
2. Salt
3. Eat Pray Love
4. Step Up 3D
5. RED

Best Songs:
1. Tears Were Laughter
2. Kiss The Rain
3. You Belong to Me
4. This Time to Africa (Waka-Waka)
5. Yi Shi De Mei Hao

Best Quotations: 
1. "I'm just a Consultant"
2. "Instead I had not regretted because I have loved you deeply"
3. "There will be times you don't see me beside you. Don't ever think that I leave you. I just choose walk behind you.. So I can catch you, if you fall"
4. "Lie to ourselves for common good, who can blame me?"
5. "Cause love will find the way"

See you next year in Malvin Awards 2011!!

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